Music Production

Dream Studios

How many beloved records have you listened to that have benefited from the spaces where they were recorded in? You can almost hear the walls groaning within the record; adding an extra unspeakable dimension that makes the sound of that recording completely unique. For example, the recordings of Phil Spector at Gold Star Studios in Hollywood. That small room, full of musicians: all playing the same thing; blending the timbre of the musicians together and funnelling it into the echo chambers that would create a sound known as the ‘Spector Wall Of Sound’, defined the flavour of the early 1960s.

Abbey Road in London had a similar character that was added to the records produced within it. The Beatles in Studio 2 and Pink Floyd in Studio 3; now, there is a sound that I hope to explore within the pages of this section of my website. I have loved the sound of this studio and the music production development that it has inspired for years. It could be argued that Abbey Road has done more for the advancement of sonic development than any other studio. From the experimental days of George Martin and The Beatles to the 70s crafting of Pink Floyd, it has been the pinnacle in the progress that has led us down the road to what we now have. I have many of the excellent Waves Abbey Road plugins in my own studio. They are amazing tools to help me shape a sound that feels so right.

Pencil sketches of Pink Floyd in Studio 3 of Abbey Road and Kate Bush in the studio. Eddie Cochran at Goldstar

What Is In The Studio

Over the coming months, I will shape this section of the website to deep dive into the productions of some of these legendary studios. This is one area of music-making that has always fascinated me and I cannot wait to put my thoughts down onto blog pages.

So prepare yourself for an exploration of thoughts on studios such as Abbey Road, Goldstar, Pye, Sun, Capitol, Motown’s Hitsville USA, Chess Studios, Trident, Sunset, Headley Grange, Lee Scratch Perry’s Black Ark, Power Station and Air. Phew!

"Let the people around you know what's going on"
About David Mackin 13 Articles
I am a SInger/Songwriter, Musician, Music Teacher and Filmmaker from Middlesbrough in North East England.

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